Children come first to make their choice🤓

NOP Starter Trial Pack

Customer testimonials

It feels like hojicha, but I don’t feel like I’m drinking protein.


Not too sweet, more drinkable than other proteins


Ng Sweet Gei Ho, Taste of Tea Quite Strong


There is no sugar substitute, and you won’t get stomach cramps if you use it on the left isolate.


Made in Hong Kong

Not Only Protein is the first whey protein brand made in Hong Kong. The taste and ingredients are developed to be closer to the tastes of Hong Kong people.

High quality protein

The entire NOP Pro series uses high-quality whey protein isolate, and three of the tea flavors are lactose-free, making them suitable for people who are lactose intolerant.

Not fake sweet

All flavors have been carefully developed over a long period of time to ensure that the taste is more suitable for fitness people who do not have a sweet tooth.

individual package

The packaging is easy to carry, making it convenient for you to keep your protein supply when going to and from the gym. There is no excuse for not bringing protein to the gym because of the trouble.